many many things
Thursday, October 1, 2009 @ 2:18 AM
many many things went through my head.
as in.. i was thinking.. about many many things.....
Like the other day (instead of using "one day").. this sudden thought came to me and I was like "oh ya hor".
when you are walking along orchard road (ok lar.. any road also can.. but orchard road more people...) you will see many many different types of people.
and you (or maybe only me..) will be like......
(think, say them out loud in my head. =DD)
"wha.. chanel bag..."
"ehh.... ang mo kids"
"awww.. he is so sweet"
"eh what she doing!"
"aiyo.. where got people like that one!?"
but most of the time (in orchard road) I see "rich" or "pretend to be rich" people, whichever one, and I will think to myself..
"wha.. i also want leh...." or.. "I am gonnnnnnnna get one too!!"
and when you see a very super duper lovey couple walking past, in your head...
"aww.. so sweet.. why my bf/gf not like that one..."
Okay. thats not my point. (dar, really! =D )
What I wanna say is that..
sometimes in life, we cannot have everything that we want.
and what others have, we dont have to have it.
instead of envy, and be jealous about what other people have, why not take a step back (now, one step back..) and look at what you have?
I have a lovely family.. supporting parents, fun to be with siblings.. cute and adorable nieces and nephew.. and whats most important is that, I know they all love me.
I have a very supportive and caring lovey dovey boyfriend.. who understands me deep deep.. know what I want (evil grins) and know when to stop my nonsense (hrmph).. And I know he really loves me..
I have great jie mei.. Lloyd and Sin kuan.. who are there for me.. hahas.. laughing at my not so funny jokes, always bullying me and making fun of me. opps.. i mean.. we enjoy each other's company and they never fail to make my day.. Muacks. I also know they love me deep deep, rite chopstick? =D
I also have many many friends who love to stalk me, like right now, YOU ARE READING MY BLOG and still REFUSE TO TAG AT MY TAGBOARD.
hahahas.. Like one of the stalker (Kevin) said, "I want to 了解 my friends.."
hahaha.. see! I know they love me deep deep too..!!
all that I have mentioned is only the people around me, and what about.. the "things" like "chanel bag"?
branded stuffs, yes.. everyone wants them.. but thats not really a must to have, right?
look at all the things you have..
you can list down all the things you have and I would dare to say that you will have more than one of the same thing.
for example..
shoes (confirm more one 10 pairs)
bag (I have like... more than... 10?)
jacket (er.. about 4 of them?)
and the list goes on and on..
others may have the good and branded stuff, but those are things that we dont really need.
do they have happiness?
or rather, do they have true happiness?
Bla bla bla.
okay, so that went through my mind, the other day. (:
this is the 2nd week.. and OMG.. i realised, too many math subject made me confused.
like.. i mixed up "Abstact math" and "Advance calculus".
And "Advance statistics" is no longer the "statistics" i know of.
"Game theory" made me dont like to play games anymore.
I know, I have already planned my schedule, so..
According to the plans that I have made before school started, I said that I will study everyday..
So, I will make it a point to go school everyday.
I DONT CARE even if the journey to school is 1Hr30Mins. (so to and fro is actually 3 hrs, abit silly tho, okay, time to haunt for new study place. maybe go back to my favourite airport.)
and i must do all my tutorials (YAY! I did my tutorials and got most of them correct. haha..)
and hand up all assignments that was given.
JOAN is a good girl.
JOAN is studious.
JOAN can do it!
(According to Adam Khoo, we must draw motivational drawings and stick them on the wall.)
okay, time to sleep.
i think im going mad.